2012. augusztus 24., péntek

Decided to write a fwe words... :)

So, let's sum up the things ... :)

Waiting for phone calls, yeah for 2 exactly. :)
1 for the baby and 1 for the flat.
Would be great to have these calls today or at the weekend. :)

Otherhand, started working already at the school. I have some new things.. :) I'm going to have a class. :)))))
So I'm really looking forward to the things we can do together. :) Won't be easy, I know it well. :) But who cares???? :D

This is a tough day.... but I'm happy... I'm smiling. :)
I know that my bíbyboy loves me! :)
What else I can ask for? :)

So now, let's get back to work! :)


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